Our History

The “TRANSMARE” was born in 1977 as “society to collective name” from the fusion of a group of associates in cooperative (since 1960), for the “BOAT SERVICE” in the port of Savona – Vado Ligure.

Following the work’s increase, in the 80s, Transmare acquires the Concession of the “ANTI-POLLUTION SERVICE”, carried out with the use of tugs equipped with skimmers and mechanical recovery equipment, with the help of the laying of floating panels, for the first phase of circumscription and containment of the pollutant.

In the successive years, for the versatility and the professionality of the services offered to the customers, the activities are increased with the acquisition of numerous “CONCESSIONS” from the Marine Authority and Society of services eco-marine legacies to the Ministry of the Environment.

To confirmation of the confidence that the operating Oil Societies in the port of Savona – Vado Ligure grant to the TRANSMARE (that in the meantime has reorganized in “srl”), for the efficiency and the demonstrated professionality in the carried out activities, in addition to the degree of safety guaranteed during service, the oil companies have entrusted the “service of attack and detachment hoses and assistance for the landfill of oil tankers” and the “SERVICE ANTI-POLLUTION” for the Italian Terminal Petroli Spa, Alkion Srl, Esso Italiana Srl, SARPOM Srl.